Hier handelt es sich um eine Kampagne " WHAT A T" für Teekanne, die geziehlt ein junges Publikum ansprechen soll. Durch die Kampagne will Teekanne einen gelungenen Start auf Facebook erziehlen. Dieses Projekt entstand in einer Zusammenarbeit mit Steffi und Eva als Semesterprojekt.
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Dienstag, 9. August 2011
Winzergenossenschaft Kasel
zu gestalten, einen neuen Namen für die Winzergenossenschaft zu finden und sich Gedanken über moderne Weinnamen zu machen. Entstanden ist ein neues CI mit jeweils einer Etikettengestaltung für die Gutsweine und für die etwas edleren Lagenweine.

Donnerstag, 10. März 2011
Freitag, 5. November 2010
Eradius Fontdesign
During the third semester, everyone had to create his own font. I got the inspration
from the design of the panton chair.
from the design of the panton chair.
At the beginning, it is hard to get the right feeling about the space between the letters or the kerning. I wanted to create constructed fonts, based on several forms being able to be put together like legostones. The font exists in light, condensed, regular, bold and black.
Character design Family
With different tools in character design, like blind drawing, you can find very new forms, new personalities and give them a life, a story and a name.
The idea of making a kind of patchworkfamily stood at the beginning of my work. The form of my characters came by using blind drawing and the alchemy program. With this tool, I detected new things, I never imagined before. I colored my family in digital painting technic with a wacomboard.
Donnerstag, 4. November 2010
Bangkok Unruhen 2010
This little booklet is a result of research about the civil commotions in Bangkok this year.
It was my personal choice to do this booklet.
Due to my vacation in Thailand in summer 2010, I had a special interest in following the news. My booklet is a summary of the happenings with an informing part at the beginning. With little icons you can easily know what has happend. The red color is dominating due to the red shirts in Bangkok. This book can give you an idea of the background of Thailand, its political situation and how this civil commotions happened.It was my personal choice to do this booklet.
CD Theater Trier Spielzeit 2010/11
This voluntary scheme was the first one in a cultural background. The theatre in Trier is a quite small one, based on his tradition, and proud of their many customers.
The actuel logotype doesn‘t convince to any one, neither customer nor to the theater themselves. I made a research about the town and the theater background. Trier is an old roman city, with an amphitheater and lots of epigraphes in stones. I found that they often used ligatures to get a perfect letter image. Using this same tool in my CD was sure. With this way I could combinate the city with the theater in a classic way without losing a modern touch.
The actuel logotype doesn‘t convince to any one, neither customer nor to the theater themselves. I made a research about the town and the theater background. Trier is an old roman city, with an amphitheater and lots of epigraphes in stones. I found that they often used ligatures to get a perfect letter image. Using this same tool in my CD was sure. With this way I could combinate the city with the theater in a classic way without losing a modern touch.
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